Monday, November 9, 2009

みなさん、ごめんなさい !!


"Oh, dear! It appears I have been quite remiss in my blogging." 

月にブログでかきませんでした!! Oh, no!

私のせんこうはArchaeologyとEnvironmental Biologyです。私のクラスはあまりやさしくないですよ. But, rule #1: No excuses. Blog like a champion. I definitely need to take advantage of our blogging project here - so far it's been really helpful to practice Japanese online! So, again, ごめんなさい、and I am especially sorry for those who have been assigned to read and comment on my blog.


In the Lesson 9 Vocabulary...“かない”(wife) のかんじをみましたか。“家内”です。The Kanji reminded me a lot of the kanji for "prison," which is 囚. Is there any relation between 囚 and 内?


わたしのfavorite にほんのcartoon character はポチャッコですよ!サンリオのいぬです。そしてとてもかわいいです。

I have never really watched anime much, but when I was much younger my part-Japanese cousin used to give me all kinds of ポチャッコ gifts! わたしはしばしばポチャッコをかきます。My suitemates liked my little drawings, so I made this one to welcome everyone to our suite! :)



  1. 日本のキャラクターでほかに何がすき?

  2. I am a student of the Bunkyo University. I want to become a Japanese teacher in the future.Your Japanese is good and please ask me some questions if you want to hear Japanese.

  3. ポチャッコはとてもかわいいですね! <3  The class discussion about wife/prison was very... おもしろい as well : )
